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French-Indian Young Talents Program

Day 1 - 17th April

🇮🇳 🇫🇷 The first edition of the France India Young Talents Program started on 17th April in Paris. The program began with an insightful introductory session by Laurent Choain, Chief People, Education & Culture at Mazars, the intervention focussed on leadership, human connection and expectations from the candidates regarding the program. This was followed by an inspirational session on mentorship by Marie Laure Idée of les Déterminés. The third session of the day was by Sabine Roux de Bézieux President of Fondation de la mer on an extremely relevant and important subject - The ocean, an essential environmental issue, a shared vision between France & India?

▶ Later in the afternoon, the 20 young talents went to a private guided tour to the famous Louvre museum

👏 Another major highlight from day 1 of the program was being hosted by

H.E. Mr. Jawed Ashraf, Ambassador of India to France at the Indian embassy in Paris. Mr. Ashraf held one on one discussions with each one of the candidates, gave his invaluable inputs, the importance on how the young generation is essential in solidifying and finding innovative ways to improve the already special relationship between France and India.

Day 2 - 18th April

🇮🇳 🇫🇷 The second day (18 April) of the French Indian Young Talents Program was power packed one, with remarkable speakers, a special afterwork cocktail and a dinner session with a special guest!

👏 The day started with an intervention by Gilles Vermot Desroches ,Corporate Activist, Chief corporate Citizenship Office, Schneider Electric on the topic - Sustainable development, access to energy & challenges for France and India

👏This was followed by fascinating session by Aude Guo, Cofounder Innovafeed . Aude's story is nothing short of sensational, about how and her partner started their company with a common goal: create a company with positive and sustainable impact on the food systems and environment

👏Just before lunch Serge Trigano, President of Oh Baby, Co-founder Mama Shelter, shared his inspirational story in the hospitality business in France, his method of story telling was a wonderful amalgamation of humour mixed with a great lesson on entrepreneurship

👏Post lunch Rammohan Gourneni, Country Manager, TCS France spoke on - digital talent shortage : a strategic question for the business growth and transformation of companies from all industries

👏This was followed by a great insight on French, Indian & global economy by Ludovic Subran, Chief economist at Allianz. Mr. Subran specifically addressed the topic - Economic statecraft in times of crises

👏The final session of day 2 was conducted by by Florence Parly, former minister of the Armed Forces under President Emmanuel Macron from 2017 to 2022. Madam Parly spoke about - India, France and the Indo-Pacfic

🍷 It was only apt that after such amazing sessions there was a special afterwork organised where various guest from French-Indian business community and some of the CCIFI members met the 20 young talents

The day ended with a dinner session with Namita Shah, President, OneTech at TotalEnergies, member of the Executive Committee

Day 3 - 19th April

🇮🇳 🇫🇷 The first edition (Paris phase) of the French Indian Young Talents Program came to a conclusion on 19th April & how!

👏 The day started with an intervention by Laurent-Olivier COUDEYRE , Head of Resources, Governance & Localization, EDF on "New ambItions for EDF"

👏This was followed by a session by GROUPE INVIVO on how to help agriculture and agricultural cooperation regain their rightful place in the global food value chain with respect for the planet and people

👏Post lunch the 20 young talents got an opportunity to meet Usha Bora, CEO & Founder Jamini. Usha shared a presentation of Jamini & her 23 year old journey in France and how she successfully set up her business in the country

👏And finally it was our privilege to have Élisabeth Moreno, President of LEIA- Leaders Engagés et Inclusifs en Action, former Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in the French Government from 2020 to 2022. Mrs. Moreno's words were inspirational & motivationa. Her message was that no dream as impossible as long as we back our aspirations with action. It was indeed an honour to have her at the program and it was only fitting that we concluded the session with her inspirational words

▶ This was followed by a tea at the rooftop of the hotel MAMA SHELTER west before the 20 young talents bid good bye only to gather again for the Indian leg of the program that will be held in autumn later this year.

More details to follow!

👏 The chamber would once again like to thank all the sponsors and the speakers for making this program a success

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