For 4 years, the Choose France Summit has become the meeting place dedicated to the attractiveness of France.
Established by President Emmanuel Macron, it aims to present and explain to large international companies the reforms carried out to promote economic activity in our territory. It also highlights the importance of international investments to support growth, innovation and employment throughout France.
Unfortunately, for the second year running, the health crisis has had its way with Choose France and the event was cancelled for in person meetings
But that did not deter President Macron to announce on the day of the event-
Twenty or so projects representing a total of some 4 billion euros of investment and 10,000 direct job creations. The three biggest ones come from the plastics industry, both in production and in recycling plants.
The event set up in 2018 by Emmanuel Macron. Every year, on the way to Davos, several dozen major international bosses have got into the habit of stopping off at Versailles for a sort of speed dating with almost all the members of the government who have come to defend the country's attractiveness. The dinner with the Head of State is always very popular.
Choose France has been the perfect opportunity to remind people that France has been the European champion of attractiveness for the past two years, in the eyes and at the expense of the British and Germans who were ahead of us until recently.
For 4 years, the Choose France Summit has become the meeting place dedicated to the attractiveness of France.
Established by President Emmanuel Macron, it aims to present and explain to large international companies the reforms carried out to promote economic activity in our territory. It also highlights the importance of international investments to support growth, innovation and employment throughout France.
And the results are there :
➜ 5,300 foreign investment projects in France over the period 2017 to 2020;
➜ 140,000 jobs maintained or created for French people from 2017 to 2020, everywhere in France;
➜ France remains the most attractive country for foreign investment for the second consecutive year.