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Change of governance of the French Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris

Communiqué de presse

Press release

Change of governance and re-launch of the French Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris

The activity of the Chamber has been greatly reduced over the last two years, partly due to the outbreak of the COVID 19. However, the strategic importance of the relationship between India and France remains and is even growing, and India has become the new engine of Asia.

India, a continental country, is already home to a quarter of the world's youth and will have 300 million new urban dwellers in the next twenty years, as the current French ambassador indicated on his arrival in Delhi. The success of the fight against global warming depends largely on India

This is why a new governance has proposed to revive Chamber of Commerce & Industry France-India agreed in 1987, so that the Chamber fully fulfills its role accelerates the exchanges of business relations between the two countries

The new board is composed of:

· Bénédicte Brouard: President

· Pierre-Marie Relecom and Udyen Jain,: Vice Presidents

· Jean Luc Barlet: Secretary General

A common thread that will lead the action of this new governance: to allow young talents from India and France to know each other better, to understand each other and thus to build the conditions for a common future as the use of digital technology becomes an important tool to face the issue of climate challenge and other challenges with respect to medical science, energy and the sea.

The creation of this talent pool is essential to the development of Indian companies in France and French companies in India. An Indian French Young Talents Award will be given every year by the members of the CCIFI Advisory Board

In addition, we will keep providing the members with the classic services of a bilateral Chamber

The actions taken will be in accordance with its natural institutional partners in France: Business France, Medef International, the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the National Committee of Foreign Trade Advisors, and of course the Indian Embassy in France.

But also, with the various institutions bringing together Indians in France such as the Indian Business Club, India France Forum, Indian professional association, People of Indian origins (POICCI)

The chamber will also revitalize its relations in India with the CII, the Federation of Indian Exporters Association (FIEO), FIICI , MCCIA, SME CHAMBER, and of course our counterpart Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI)

In order to write new chapters for this bilateral Chamber of Commerce, which already has nearly 40 years of history, the new presidency has a real ambition, commensurate with the stakes and the possible cross fertilization of economic, cultural and commercial exchanges between India and France.

The new leadership :

Bénédicte Brouard is a former EVP of the Sonepar group, European Partner for twelve years of an Indian headhunting firm, PositiveMoves, and Honorary President of the Paris Committee of the French Foreign Trade Advisors

Pierre Marie Relecom has been the CEO of Relecom & Partners for 15 years, a business development and support agency specialising in high growth countries, including India and Indonesia.

Udyen Jain is a Chartered Accountant, member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India. He is a managing partner of Udyen Jain & Associates, established in 1996. With 20 years of experience in advising foreign companies on their investments in India and in assisting Indian companies in their international operations, he is an expert in international tax matters.

Jean Luc Barlet is the Group Chief Compliance Officer of Mazars and has been leading the risk management and quality functions for the past 6 years, in their technical and innovation dimensions.

Bénédicte Brouard

Présidente de la CCIFI

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